Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Can learn abacus not boring with multimedia, graphics, subtitles, the motion of the character.

[Hi Abacus Lesson 1]is an innovative program that makes number concept and mental arithmetic skills using an abacus of the kindergarten & elementary school students fast, improves correct 'numbers concept and calculation ability'.

[Hi Abacus Lesson 1] is different from calculating with paper and pencil. It is a program that can calculate addition. subtraction, multiplication and division with mental arithmetic skills using an abacus 2~3 times as quickly, easily and with fun.

[Hi Abacus Lesson 1] Improves IQ by improving mental arithmetic ability, calculation ability, logicality, and thinking skills through learning training with mental arithmetic skills using an abacus.

Full instructions: http://www.hiabacus.com

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